



Each year the Vice President 为研究 (VPR) seeks to identify and reward members of the university community that have made outstanding research, creative, and other 学术贡献. 这些奖项旨在表彰杰出的学术事业 of our most productive and influential faculty members in the areas of basic research, applied research, creative activities, lifetime achievement, and academic partnerships. 创新大奖 in various categories are open to tenured and non-tenured faculty, 员工、研究生和外部实体.
These are honors bestowed on individuals with significant research or creative careers that stand out from the generally impressive work of their colleagues. 教师奖 包括在毕业典礼上佩戴的奖章.



The Vice President 为研究 is soliciting nominations of individuals for each 创新奖类别如下所述.  我们请求九游会国际社区 to make recommendations for awards, which will then be reviewed by the 研究 Advisory Council Awards Committee and approved by the nominee’s respective Dean and Vice President 为研究.  不允许自我提名.  提名将接受至 2月23日.



The VPR office will send 每一个候选人 a request for data to support their nomination. 个人可以拒绝提名. 如个人选择提交其 name, their curriculum vitae and one-page narrative must be submitted to 金正日% 20温格% 2 c by 3月15日.  The 研究谘询委员会 Awards Committee will evaluate applications, and final selections will be approved by the nominees respective Dean and Vice President for 研究.    


基础研究奖 - The 基础研究奖 honors a faculty member who has conducted systematic research to advance general knowledge, understand phenomena or build theories through her/his 研究并建立他/她的研究主题. 被提名者应该表现出很高的水准 外部识别水平.
应用研究奖 - The 应用研究奖 honors a faculty member who has employed the results of basic research to solve specific scientific or social problems or to serve pragmatic purposes such as the practical implementation of research, or to suggest system or 研究领域的政策变化. 被提名人应该表现出高水平 外部识别.
创意研究奖 - The 创意研究奖 honors a faculty member who has achieved a high degree of accomplishment in one or more areas of creative work at The 大学 of Southern 密西西比州. Discipline areas include, but are not necessarily limited to, creative writing, dance, theater, music, visual arts, film, radio, broadcast, 或者创造性活动 与科学相关. 被提名者应表现出高度的外部认可.
终身研究奖 - The Lifetime 研究 Award honors a senior faculty member whose scholarly or creative career has made an extraordinary and significant impact on their discipline, as perceived not only by our university's faculty community, but also by other members of that 职业. 被提名者应表现出高度的外部认可.
学术伙伴奖 - The 学术伙伴奖 honors a faculty member who has pioneered or sustained innovative partnerships between 九游会国际 and other institutions or groups (including but not necessarily limited to businesses, state and federal agencies, 职业al associations, community groups or nonprofit organizations). Nominees should demonstrate the primacy of their role in establishing and maintaining 大学的学术伙伴关系.
多学科奖 - The 多学科奖s honors a faculty member who is a pioneer in cross-disciplinary research collaboration to identify innovative solutions or intellectual accomplishments 超出了他们的领域. 被提名者应表现出高水平的外部 识别.
研究倡导者奖 - The 研究倡导者奖 honors an administrator or staff member who has made significant contributions to fostering research at 九游会国际. 被提名者应表现出高度的内部认可.
研究生研究奖 - The 研究生研究奖 recognizes a graduate student who has demonstrated 杰出的学术成就或创造性成就.  研究生必须提名 由一位教职员工.  杰出成就的文件需要来自 每一个候选人.


Faculty Awards — Basic 研究, Applied 研究, Creative Activities, Academic Partnerships, 多学科、终身研究

  • A faculty member in his/her college who represents the highest standards in research 或者创造性活动
  • Tenure track and non-tenure track faculty are eligible for faculty awards
  • Previous Innovation Award winners are ineligible for five years from the time of the previous award, with the exception of the Lifetime Achievement Award. 一个人 只可获得一次终身成就奖.


  • A full-time graduate student in his/her college who represents the highest standards 研究或创造性活动的
  • 必须由教职员或主管人员提名.
  • 本科生不适用


  • An administrator or staff member in his/her college who has made significant contributions 促进大学的研究
  • 学生不符合资格

Faculty members are encouraged to submit the names of other faculty, administrators, 员工、学生或外部实体通过 提名表格. Faculty who consider themselves worthy of nomination may request nomination by an associate or peer who understands the value of their particular contribution to the 大学. 不允许自行提名.


The 负责研究的副总统办公室 will contact 每一个候选人, who will 然后可以选择接受或拒绝提名. 如果个人选择 to accept the nomination, he/she will be required to submit application materials, 不迟于 3月15日.  

Application materials must be submitted as a single document and include the following:

  • A one-page narrative by the nominee stating the significance of his/her research/creative/partnership 活动.
  • A curriculum vitae listing all activities relevant to the award category.

If you have questions about the submission process, please contact 金% 20温格% 20或致电601.266.6849.


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